West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 8/10/18
HarassmentWatch(TM) Casey Affleck – Believed by many to be one of the original causes of the #MeToo movement, Affleck finally addressed the allegations of his
HarassmentWatch(TM) Casey Affleck – Believed by many to be one of the original causes of the #MeToo movement, Affleck finally addressed the allegations of his
These things just get later and later, huh? Well, blame my job! In any case, let’s jump right on into today’s topics, shall we? HarassmentWatch(TM)
Well, this is a special week here at WilliamBruceWest.com, as it commemorates my FIFTEENTH year of blogging. Yeah, a lot of y’all just came aboard
I’m slowly catching up on the year’s big movies. I still haven’t gotten to Deadpool 2, but I finally caught Ant-Man and the Wasp last
I’ve been in California the past few days, and haven’t really been that plugged into the world lately. It’s been so long since I wrote
I’m gonna take some liberties with the format this week, as it’s sort of a special occasion. I’ll cover this week’s news next week, and
I don’t know how much longer I can do this. Like, seriously. Writing this just gets harder and harder, and I know you’ll say “Nobody’s
HarassmentWatch(TM): Chris Hardwick: Thank sweet Baby Jesus it’s finally acceptable to say Chris Hardwick is a piece of shit! I could’ve told you that from back
There are some weeks where I actually dread writing this post, and this is one of them. I mean, a LOT happened, but nothing I’m
HarassmentWatch(TM) Mario Batali Update – The celebrity chef is now officially under criminal investigation by the NYPD for allegations against him for sexual misconduct. He