If this were a Friends episode, it’d be called “The One With All The Trailers”. Before we get to all that, though, I guess we
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West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 8/13/21
I don’t know what Hollywood’s obsession is with Fantasy Island. Sure, on paper, it’s a concept that holds a lot of potential. However, there’s already
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 7/30/21
So my friend Mike is a big fan of the Red Letter Media stuff on YouTube, where a group of guys laugh at old, bad
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 4/3/20
I tried. I really did. I wanted to give you entertainment without mention of COVID-19, but at this point we’re in the New Normal, and
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 7/26/19
Look at that – I’m back a week after my last post! Speaking of that post, I had a lot of good engagement. I reconnected
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 10/12/18
HarassmentWatch (TM) It’s everyone’s favorite segment, where you find out who couldn’t keep their dick in their pants this week! James Franco – In her
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 9/14/18
HarassmentWatch(TM) SO MUCH HARASSMENT THIS WEEK! Usually, these things are kinda like footnotes to the week, but the shit really hit the fan this week.
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 7/13/18
I’ve been in California the past few days, and haven’t really been that plugged into the world lately. It’s been so long since I wrote
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 6/22/18
I don’t know how much longer I can do this. Like, seriously. Writing this just gets harder and harder, and I know you’ll say “Nobody’s
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 6/1/18
There are some weeks where I actually dread writing this post, and this is one of them. I mean, a LOT happened, but nothing I’m