HarassmentWatch(TM) I thought we’d get through a week with no sexual assault updates and allegations. I thought wrong. Eric Ardnt – the WWE wrestler
Tag: DC
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 1/19/18
If you haven’t been following the site this week, I’ve been recapping DC Comics’ “DC in D.C.” event that was held here last weekend. I
DC in D.C. 2018: The Proof Is In the Panels
Previously on DC in DC 2018, I discussed all the obstacles I endured just to get into the event, but I didn’t really discuss the
DC in D.C. 2018: One Fanboy’s Quest To Gain Access To A Mysterious Comics Event
So if you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably seen me using the #DCinDC2018 hashtag a bunch over the past couple of days. I’m sure
Batman: Gotham By Gaslight – A Strong Adaptation of a DC Comics Classic
So, this week we’re going to be talking about the DC Comics local “pop-up event” DC in DC 2018, and those festivities kicked off last
West YEAR Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 2017
God, did 2017 suck! It’s funny – if you go back and read the WYE 2016 post, it starts pretty much the same way.
The WBW40 – Will’s Top 40 Songs of 2017
It’s been a rough year. 2017 has been the longest and shortest year I’ve ever experienced. On the one hand, it feels like 2016 was
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 12/1/17
Welcome back! I took last week off, to give thanks and all that jazz (you weren’t gonna read it anyway!), but we’re back with a
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 11/17/17
I’m a different man than I was 12 hours ago. You see, back then I was dreading sitting in a movie theater for two hours
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 11/10/17
A new post on a holiday weekend? What madness is this?! Yeah, I typically skip out on holiday weekends ’cause folks aren’t at work, meaning