I have a hard time with people who blame video game violence on today’s social ills. This was made even clearer to me last weekend.
Tag: Video Games
West Week Ever – 2/22/13
Today in Black History, Aunt Jemima discovered Uncle Ben’s affair with Mrs. Butterworth, thus splitting Black America’s first power couple. Last weekend I had the
LOEB Presents: Collectibles of Tomorrow
I haven’t done such a great job keeping up with my League of Extraordinary Bloggers “dues”. I guess I didn’t really have an opinion on
Thrift Justice – We’ll Never Know What Might’ve Been
So, if you were here yesterday, you know the drill. If not, WHERE WERE YOU?! We’re looking at stuff I found at the thrift store
Thrift Justice – All Filler, No Thriller
How’s that for an attention-grabbing headline, huh? Well, just like all kids can’t be honor students (I noticed your naked bumper), not all posts can
West Week Ever – Black Friday Recap Edition
Hey, better late than never, right? -Black Friday was good this year, as we were foolish enough to brave Walmart and Gamestop after Thanksgiving dinner.
Loot Crate – It’s a Box Full O’ Stuff!
No, that’s not their actual slogan, but it could be. Before we get there, let’s take a walk back in time, shall we? Back in
Thrift Justice – Operation: Time Dig Part 1
It was a typical Friday night, as I was combing Craigslist to plan out my yard sale route for the next morning. That’s when I
My 2012 Baltimore Comic-Con
Normally I’m excited about a comic convention, but that wasn’t the case here. Between the fact that my love affair with comics has hit a
Thrift Justice: YSE – Yard FAILS
So, you read all of these posts, and you simply MUST wonder at all of the luck that I seem to have. “Where does he