Welcome back to your favorite place to get pop culture news. Well, at least I hope it is! So, over the week, I watched
Tag: Movies
West Week Ever – 7/17/15
It’s been so long since I’ve done one of these that I’m gonna have to kick the dust off everything. Basically, brace yourself
West Week Ever – 6/26/15
I watched absolutely nothing this week, so I’ve got nothing for this part of the post. Oh wait – I did watch The Briefcase on
West Week Ever – 6/19/15
What a week, what a week. Sigh… First up, I rented Hot Tub Time Machine 2 from Redbox. This is the type of movie
The Price of Admission: The Socioeconomic & Racial Implications of Jurassic World
Let’s talk about Jurassic World – namely about the socioeconomic status of the people who visit the park. I asked this question when the movie was
West Week Ever – 6/12/15
I watched a LOT of stuff this week, so let’s get to it! First on the docket was a documentary on Netflix called Hot
West Week Ever – 6/5/15
The first thing I watched this week was This Is Where I Leave You, featuring an all-star cast including Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, Jane Fonda
West Week Ever – 5/29/15
I watched a couple of documentaries this week. First up was Seeking Asian Female, part of the Independent Lens series on PBS. It follows
West Week Ever – 5/15/15 (Upfronts Edition)
This is gonna be a long one, so strap in and get comfortable. Last year, I did daily posts about the network upfronts announcing
West Week Ever – 5/8/15
The only thing I watched of note was Avengers: Age of Ultron for a second time. I’ve got to say that I enjoyed it much