HarassmentWatch (TM) It’s everyone’s favorite segment, where you find out who couldn’t keep their dick in their pants this week! James Franco – In her
Tag: DC
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 10/5/18
HarassmentWatch(TM) Brad Kern Update – the former NCIS: New Orleans showrunner was fired by CBS Studios after a THIRD misconduct investigation. He had already stepped
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 9/28/18
HarassmentWatch (TM) Brett Kavanaugh – PASS. Next! Drake – So, 14 year old Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown recently said that Drake texts her and gives
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 9/7/18
I took last week off since it was a 3-day weekend, and y’all never read my shit when you’re watching the clock for your
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 8/17/18
So, last night I saw The Meg, which isn’t typically my kind of movie, but I really do love Jason Statham. When it was first
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 8/10/18
HarassmentWatch(TM) Casey Affleck – Believed by many to be one of the original causes of the #MeToo movement, Affleck finally addressed the allegations of his
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 8/3/18
These things just get later and later, huh? Well, blame my job! In any case, let’s jump right on into today’s topics, shall we? HarassmentWatch(TM)
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 7/27/18
Well, this is a special week here at WilliamBruceWest.com, as it commemorates my FIFTEENTH year of blogging. Yeah, a lot of y’all just came aboard
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 7/20/18
I’m slowly catching up on the year’s big movies. I still haven’t gotten to Deadpool 2, but I finally caught Ant-Man and the Wasp last
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 7/13/18
I’ve been in California the past few days, and haven’t really been that plugged into the world lately. It’s been so long since I wrote