Welcome to the 1,000th post at WilliamBruceWest.com! Well, technically, I hit 1,000 posts years ago, but when I switched over from Blogger to WordPress, I
Tag: Wrestling
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 9/2/16
It’s a holiday weekend and y’all never read this thing when that happens, so let’s keep it short and sweet today, shall we? In comic
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 8/26/16
On the movie front, I watched one good movie and one very bad movie. Let’s start with the bad news first. Called The Day, it’s
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 8/19/16
We got our first look at the poster for Spider-Man: HomecomingĀ andĀ it’s whatever. This was seen at a Las Vegas trade show, so it was
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 8/12/16
*Varnell Hill voice* “DID YOU MISS ME?!” Yeah, very few people are gonna get that reference, but I did take a week off to recharge
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 7/8/16
I really thought about skipping this week. I mean, a lot of y’all missed last week’s post (based on my stats), so it’d be “new
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 5/27/16
So, the main movie that I watched this week was X-Men: Apocalypse. Where to even begin with this film? When I reviewed Batman v
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 5/13/16
On the movie front, I traveled back to 1988 and finally watched They Live. Yeah, I know it’s something of a cult classic, but I’d
Just Imagine Stan Lee Wrote the Worst Batman Story Ever Published
With all the talk about Batman v Superman over the past few days, it reminded me that it’s nowhere near the worst story told featuring
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 3/18/16
So, I didn’t watch any movies this week, but I did watch a TON of television, so that’s what we’ll be rambling about today. First