My 2012 Baltimore Comic-Con

Normally I’m excited about a comic convention, but that wasn’t the case here. Between the fact that my love affair with comics has hit a rough patch, I’ve been busy with a new job AND wedding planning, combined with the fact that I have a cold that took my voice, I was not looking forward to this year’s Baltimore Comic-Con. Still, I’m a big fan of streaks, and I haven’t missed a BCC since 2004. So, I took some meds, manned up and made the drive. One of the things that I look forward to is that the show allows me to see folks I don’t get to see often. It’s been an annual meeting with Twitter pal @sycobuny, last year I met Yo from @OAFE and I get to see old industry friends. This year, though, it seems that most of my friends didn’t realize it was con weekend until it was upon them. So, no meeting with sycobuny, Yo and I didn’t cross paths, and I didn’t get to meet any new Twitter pals.

So, the show. I’m getting conflicting impressions about how the show was going. I hope @dcuniverse blogs about his take on things, but the show seemed smaller than in the past. There were areas with a lot more walking room where there had previously been booths. I’m not sure if this was intended, or indicative of the economy. That said, there was high demand for entry. However, when I ran into con organizer Marc Nathan, I asked him if it was a good show, and replied that it was an “OK show”. Must not have met the day’s expectations. In the past, I’d wake up at 6 AM and stand in line to get in when the doors opened. Over time, however, I’ve come to realize that there’s really nothing to gain by doing that. I mean, we’re all going to the same place, and unless you know exactly where you’re planning to hit first, it’s a waste of time. So, I got there at about 2 PM, and there was STILL a LOOOONG line outside of people waiting to get in. There were separate lines for cash and credit, and of course cash ran more smoothly. I didn’t want to get in that line because I didn’t bring a ton of cash, and it would eat into what I could buy. I didn’t want to stand outside, though, so I did the cash line.

Once inside, I didn’t wander long before I ran into my sword brother, Keith Davidsen. He recently left Avatar Press, and he’s now cock of the walk as a bunch of publishers are interested in working with him. I’ve known him for 5 years, and I’ve never seen him that in demand. It was pretty impressive. So, I spent a good chunk of time looking taking pics of cosplay, as he chatted up the dude behind Gutters, Brian Pulido, the guys at Dynamite and more. We’ll get to the cosplay. I’m not done pontificating yet!

The con floor had the typical layout: pro booths, artist alley, and the dealer side. Due to some bad experiences in the past, combined with the fact that I’ve basically met everyone I want to meet, I avoided the pro booths. They were full of lines of people waiting to meet their favorite creators. God bless ’em, but they’re wasting good time in those lines. No, thanks! Artist Alley actually had some cool stuff, but my days as a buyer kinda make me an asshole. Ya see, the minute you make eye contact, they’ve got you and you may not want that. Still, I came into the show wanting to leave with unique things, and I knew that I’d find that there. Chris Flick from was doing caricatures of folks are their favorite heroes. I, of course, chose Batman. I think it came out well (notice that even the Batsignal has glasses)!

The dealer side also held little for me. I went into the show with a loose plan: I wanted to fill in holes in my Amazing Spider-Man and X-Factor runs. The problem, though, was that I’m not looking for vintage. I’m actually looking for books published within the last year. I haven’t purchased either of those series since last Christmas, since I find I enjoy them more in chunks than on a monthly basis BUT I don’t want them in trade form. Considering the amount of overships Marvel has done recently, I figured it wouldn’t be a problem. I was wrong. I guess someone else had the same idea, as I came up empty on both. Toys were the same situation. I’ve reached a point where I don’t really have any more holy grails as far as Marvel and DC figures go. I’ve got about 75% of DC Universe Classics, and I’m not a huge Marvel toy guy. I did pick up this loose Gambit for $5, though, ’cause five bucks! I know he’s lame now, but I came up in the 90s when he was the coolest mofo in comics, so this is how I like to remember him.


One dealer had a DC Universe Classics figure I’ve wanted for years: Gentleman Ghost. Some backstory: DC Universe figures ship with pieces of a larger figure. Collect all the figures in a series and you can build a cool, big figure. Gentleman Ghost comes with one of the rarest pieces, and he was never really shipped evenly to stores. The dealer had $100 on it, but I offered $80. For you non-fanboys, you’re saying “$80 for a TOY?!” It’s worth it. Go check eBay. I’ll wait. Anyway, the dealer declined, as he said he bought the thing at the show at a premium, and didn’t even expect to sell it this weekend. Rather than budge, he feels he’s got a better shot selling it next month at New York Comic Con. My loss, I guess. Or I might just go to NYCC and offer him $80 again.

So, in the end, I ended up with a bunch of Series 4 LEGO minifigure packs (Lindsay & I started collecting at Series 6), DMZ Vols 11 and 12, Scalped Vol 7 (which I actually already had and didn’t know it), Gambit, the caricature, some art cards of Miles Morales Ultimate Spidey and Batman Beyond, Drafted: The Essential Edition, We3: The Definitive Edition, Batman: Earth One HC, The Boys Vol 11, and Batman & Robin #10. I didn’t go too overboard, and I only bought stuff that was either a good deal or unique.

Now, for the cosplay. I think the cosplayers brought it this year. I was impressed by a lot of what I saw. Let’s see if you agree with me.

April O’Neil! She even had little Turtles with her!

You remember what I said about Gambit. Loved this costume.

Booth Babe Rogue, handing out coupons for Collectors Corner

Um…I got nothin’

Tuxedo Mask! At Otakon, he would’ve been The Man. Not sure if people recognized him here, though

Dominican Wolverine! You can’t see it, but his “claws” were butter knives tapes together.

It’s either Nick Fury or my Uncle Leroy. Both were old black dudes with eyepatches…

Last year, I gave you GaBlactus. This year, I give you Blor.

PG’s boob veins were still adjusting to the New 52…

Ya know, “Zatanna” wouldn’t be too unusual a name for a black chick these days.

A lot of booth dealers were ogling their asses, but I run a classy joint over here!


Oh, Mista J!

Baltimore keeps the Spirit of Vengeance quite busy

“Stand back, old chum! Villainy and scalpers are afoot!”

This marks the first time any has paid attention to The New Mutants in years!

I’ve got a world exclusive: Bane & Jubilee meet up in the crossover of 2013!

As part of MarvelNOW, we’re getting Nicky & Tash – teenage Nick Fury and teenage Natasha Romanov fight international crime, while still making it to the homecoming dance.

Booth Babes helping out at the charity art auction

Such a badass costume. The pic doesn’t even do it justice.

I had nothing for him to sign, but I had to say hello to the father of A Real American Hero, Mr Larry Hama!

Well, that about wraps it up. Not the best convention, but I’m glad I went. When I got next year, I’ll be married, a year wiser, and hopefully sans cold. Tune in next time, when we get back to Thrift Justice!


4 thoughts on “My 2012 Baltimore Comic-Con

  1. Damn, Larry Hama was there? I had no idea! I could’ve been, like, the 10,000th person that day to bring him the same GI Joe thing to sign.

    As for the empty spaces, I’m pretty sure a lot more of the convention center’s floorplan was opened up to the show this year. That whole area over by the second concession stand was closed off behind moveable walls in previous years. The weird layout of Artist’s Alley didn’t help things, either…

  2. I have not checked in here for a while since I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are great quality so I guess I’ll add you back to my daily bloglist. You deserve it my friend 🙂

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