Carrie Fisher’s Amsterdam Travelogue

“No, Frylock…you see, The Highlander was a documentary, and its events happened in real times!”

So…where have a I been? Well, I’ve been working. Plus, not all is well on the Western front. I’ve been hella busy cleaning my house, and trying to find some direction in life. Not the most fun to have on an average weekend in your 20’s. Anyway, today was the shitastic of days. Why was it bad? I don’t really know. It just was. The usual stuff. Taking it out on the wrong people. Anyway, enough with the cryptic.

Last night, I was reading the latest issue of Details, and I came across a great article written by Carrie Fisher. Yes, apparently, Princess Leia has a penchant for brothels in Amsterdam, and she wrote a travelogue during her last visit.

At first, I was gonna dismiss it, but this stuff was too good to pass up. So, allow me to present the highlights of said article:

“I was tempted to get George Lucas a Yoda bong for Christmas, but I figured the extra three hours and full-cavity search in customs wouldn’t be worth it. Besides, he might get upset about the Yoda-bong people not paying a licensing fee.”

“Pride quickly turned to shame when Sunny somehow got the dildo onto Nasim’s forehead and rode up and down on that while informing him he was a “dickhead”. This woman was not only the model of human kindness with a snatchy snatch, but funny, too!”

“But the highlight of an evening filled with highs was when Sophie, who actually was a nice girl, wrote a message on a postcard with her vagina. Well, to be precise, with a pen thrust into her vagina. And she had good twatmanship. Was there no end to what vaginas could do?”

Wow, Princess Leia! I’ve just gotta say that I’m impressed. Especially considering that half the Warsies out there don’t even know what a vagina is! You’ve educated the masses!
