Yes, this began as a late night Twitter rant last week, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized a full blog
Tag: Star Trek
5 Corners of Pop Culture That I Don’t Understand
Yeah, so I go around boasting that I know so much about pop culture, but even I have my blind spots. For example, I’m not
At Long Last – My Comic Origin!
I’ve been wanting to write lately, but really haven’t had much to write about. I’ve been to a LOT of comic cons and stores lately,
My Chat With William Katt and Star Trek Musings
“Live every week like it’s Shark Week!” OK, I’m working on a LONG post right now, so this is gonna be a shorter one. -So,
“You’re, like, my Black Spock…like in Voyager.” OK, I should be asleep, but I had another weird TVLand observation I needed to write about. After
Women In Space: The Beer Goggle Effect Of Science Fiction
“Why am I successful? Because I’m a fucking daredevil!” So, today we’re going to talk about a topic that’s been on my mind for the
Truck Turner Is HILARIOUS!
“She’s gratuitously hot. Like ‘even if she was a parapalegic I wouldn’t care’ hot.” You’ve never seen an All-Star Pimp Funeral until you’ve seen Isaac
So, Trekkies Are Pedophiles, Eh?
“My parents aren’t gonna do anything to you! It’s not like they’re gonna spear you…What? We’re African. That’s all people think of Africa: elephants, spears,
In Space, Only The Exploding Consoles Can Hear You Scream
Trekkie Gripe The following is from a convo I had with Brian: WESTMAN2K: they didn’t like to focus on it much, but by the time
The One Where I Talk About Cornell’s Secret Societies
“MOM! MEATLOAF! NOW!” Captain’s Log: Stardate 052019.7 So, I’ve been doing this dance since 2003, and I typically post anything I want. But it has