Tell People How You Feel While You Can

So, I stood outside the West Falls Church Metro station tonight, and I noticed something. I was there for about a half hour, and I realized that I only saw 3 couples kiss.

Now, this was during the tail end of rush hour, so we’re talking about a lot of people. I watched the comings and goings, but only three couples. Everyone else looked so agitated and pissed. Like they were being inconvenienced by having to pick up a loved one. Unacceptable! This IS the Kiss & Ride after all!

So, why is this a big deal to me?

Well, my father died 20 yrs ago today. 20 yrs…I can’t say that they went quickly, but that certainly is quite a chunk of time. My point is, you should really let people know how you feel about them when they’re around. You never know how much time you’ll have with them.

Two of the 3 couples were older, and I feel that they understood exactly what I’m trying to say here. Younger people have that “invincibility” theory, and may not always think about “What if there’s no tomorrow for me?”.

Bottom line, let people know you feel about them. Times are tough, but people are still important. Not trying to go all “Love Actually” on ya, but to me, that means so much. Kiss your wife. Kiss your mom. Hell, even kiss your dad. To you guys out there, it’s NOT gay. ‘Cause I’d certainly kiss my dad if I could.

Not a sermon; just a thought…
