I think my favorite part of tonight’s American Idol finale was when they gave Jesus the car. Silly, producers! Don’t they know that he can
Tag: Television
If Bo Loses Idol, Maybe He Can Be A Jesus Impersonator
Well, another season of American Idol comes to a close. Tonight sucked. It’s like neither of them knew which song to sing. None of the
TV Stars In Marvel Movies & A Sequel To Sin City?
OK, I found 3 surprising entertainment tidbits today: 1) Kelsey Grammer’s gonna be Beast in X-Men 3? Come on, now! I know that he’s got
Arkham Loses Another Patient: RIP Frank Gorshin
“What’s black and white and red all over?” “A newspaper.” Farewell, Riddler. You’ll certainly be missed by this Batfan. Frank Gorshin 1933-2005 Oh God, please
The TV Tropes of 24 and Diff’rent Strokes
Where have all the original ideas gone? For the second time in four seasons, “24” has invoked the 25th Amendment. Now, I’ve gotta admit, it’s
It’s A Trampoline!
“Urban Rebounder”?!! It’s a frickin’ trampoline! Who do these infomercial people think they’re fooling? This is actually the second time I’ve blogged about this!!! I’m
Well, Clinton Always Did Love Bush…
In a land a world away… Two men…. One mission… One hates broccoli… One LOVES blowjobs… THE buddy cop adventure of the new season TSUNAMI
So, I Guess Shannon Tweed’s NOT In It?
“I wanna stroke you like a super-villain’s cat!” What a world in which we live where books need commercials! Now, this is not a new
Not Really Feeling Smallville…
“Ya, all actors are gay…or robots…or gay robots…” I just can’t get into “Smallville” anymore. First off, kryptonite does nothing but make Clark an asshole.
Will Answers Your Questions!
WILL ANSWERS I If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one CD, one food, and one tv character with you