About a year ago, I found myself unemployed. Instead of diligently sending out resumes in order to “turn my career around”, I found myself spending
Tag: Television
RePlay: Santa Packs and the Wonderful Dream
So, the holidays tend to be a sentimental time, with memories triggered by the sights and sounds of the season. Now, I can be a
The Business of the Bat: An Exploration of Batman & Robin #16
Well, if you clicked on that image, you probably know what the “big reveal” was at the end of Batman & Robin #16. After the
2010-2011 TV Season: A Week’s Worth of Analysis
So, we’re a week into the 2010-2011 television season, and I decided that I needed to write up a little review in order to sort
Dear DC Comics: You’re Doing It Wrong
This week, DC Entertainment, announced a bold new organizational structure, deemed as a “bicoastal realignment”. The problem, however, is that there’s nothing bold about this
Origin Forever
OK, so up to this point, we’ve covered my first comic experience, as well as the summer where I fell in love with the medium.
Origin Zeo
So, when last we met, I recounted the tale of how I discovered my love for comics. Rather, it wasn’t love at that point, but
At Long Last – My Comic Origin!
I’ve been wanting to write lately, but really haven’t had much to write about. I’ve been to a LOT of comic cons and stores lately,
Comical Thoughts – Charles Xavier
I started this on twitter today, but it has given me enough thoughts to want to continue it on here. Basically, I was saying that
Things I Learned This Evening…
– Black people are funny – not just in the “haha” sense, but also in the “WTF?” sense. So, I was in Blockbuster, killing time,