Anybody wanna know what the most useless webspace on the internet is?! Yup, I said it. This site started out with so much promise.
Tag: Social Media
Why I Hate
Let’s talk social-networking websites. Let me say that I really hate I’m on it ’cause it’s where most of the Cornell kids are, but
No More Blogger Site: Announcing The Coming of
Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. This site’s starting to get that “Old Man” smell. A LOT has happened since our
Blog Hiatus – Please See Archives For Reruns
Since it’s midseason, I’m going to be changing the format around here. Look for these changes in the next few weeks. For now, enjoy what
Googling Myself
You ever think you’re more important than you really are? I felt that way until recently. At Cornell, I was “Will West: A Cappella Star”.
Miserable Failure
Hehe. Bored? You must be if you’re reading this. Anyway, looking for something funny? Go to Google. Type “miserable failure”, and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”.
A Good Domain Is Hard To Find
I swear that the internet is out to screw me. Why is everyone taking my domain names?!!! First, there was the fiasco. That fuckin’
I Tend To Rant
Now, for personal inspiration. One thing I’ve always admired about myself is that I’m tenacious. I’m not a quitter and I don’t give up on
X-Entertainment just keeps ’em coming. An exerpt from their blog: “‘It is evident that the death of Dale Earnhardt Sr. was no accident. I suspect
Wonder What The Goldfish Would Say
Another gem from This one’s for you, Catherine. “‘I think there should be a national cat killin’ holiday. And it should be done soon,