So, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. debuted this week, and I’m bound by the Geek Council to mention that. I already wrote about my thoughts on
Tag: Movies
Thrift Justice – Walk On By
I’m back! Thrift Justice has been on a mini hiatus, but I figured it was time to get back to basics. By now, you’ve come
West Week Ever – 8/30/13
So, I can’t really start this post without acknowledging MLK and the March on Washington, or else The Council will come after me and my
West Week Ever – 8/23/13
I haven’t given a Netflix update in a bit. Once I finished binge-watching The IT Crowd, I found myself watching End of Watch. Let
Thrift Justice – The Expendables XI: Never Stop Spending!!!
When I saw all of these guys in one bag at the thrift store yesterday, I HAD to buy them. Then the story hit
West Week Ever – 6/21/13
I watched The Dilemma this week, ’cause I love Kevin James and Vince Vaughn. Not sure why the onscreen guide gave it one star, as
West Week Ever – 6/14/13
I blogged EVERY DAY this week, including an unplanned “Three Days of Justice”. I know daily posts aren’t a big deal for many sites, but
Thrift Justice – Rocky and the Riders
It hasn’t been all bad on the thrifting scene. Yesterday, I showed a bunch of stuff that I left behind, but I have been able
West Week Ever – 6/1/13
During a recent marathon, a sad thought occurred to me – who were the Golden Girls‘ friends before the show? They went from strangers to
Monday Musings: Twouble With Twibbles
So, I’m not sure if anyone has noticed, but I’m on what my pal Howie calls a “Twitter Diet”. I’m not sure if it’s the