West Week Ever – 5/30/14


This week, I learned that my mother likes the song “Roar”, but thought it was by Rihanna. She’s also never heard of Katy Perry…



I finally remembered that I have Netflix, so I fired up the old Nook when I couldn’t get to sleep. I finished up season 1 of Maron, which I’m still loving. I hear that season 2 started on IFC a few weeks ago, so I’m probably a year away from being able to watch those episodes. A lot of the plots come from his standup, so it’s interesting to see the changes he’s made to some of the material. I also caught a movie called Conception, which I mainly watched for its cast. It had Rafi from The League, Connie Britton, Iceman’s brother, Julie Bowen, the chick who voiced Bobby Hill, Jonathan Silverman and Haley from Modern Family. It followed 9 different couples at different stages of their relationships, and it ends with them all *spoiler alert* pregnant. So, the movie basically follows each couple on the day they unknowingly conceive. I liked that it abandoned a trope common with these kinds of Valentines Day/Love Actually movies where Couple A lives next door to Couple B, who happen to be related to Couple F, etc. There’s a unique framing device for the movie, but none of these couples know each other, so you’re not left waiting for their paths to cross. It wasn’t bad, and it as short. Almost too short. But if you’re looking for something on Netflix to help you kill 87 minutes, you could do a lot worse.


After last week’s edition was published, Marvel announced that Edgar Wright had left Ant-Man. Fan reaction to this was pretty negative, but I don’t really care. It’s said that it was due to creative differences, and I could probably see how that came about. Plus, after having seen Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and Scott Pilgrim, I’m not entirely sure what Wright would bring to the Marvel Cinematic Universe that would fit with what’s already been done. I always felt his Ant-Man would be a bit of a departure, taking things more into the weird area of the universe that we’re going to see from Guardians of the Galaxy. We’re still not sure if GotG is gonna be a success, so that might not be the direction in which the franchise should go.


I lied about Days of Future Past last week. I said I’d wait until it came out on DVD, but the hype was so prevalent, that I had to go see it last Friday night. Long story short, I enjoyed it. I don’t envy anyone tasked with connecting the two cinematic universes, but it did a capable job of doing so. I’ve never read the original storyline, so is Bolivar Trask a little person in the comics? If not, why cast Peter Dinklage, other than the fact that he’s Peter Dinklage. I think, in a movie filled with people with superpowers, Trask was the least believable aspect of the movie. After all, nobody takes midgets seriously enough to give them that much political power. Anyway, I’m still having nightmares from the scenes where the future X-Men are killed. I mean, they ripped Colossus in half! And I’ve never fully understood Bishop’s power, but I feel like he could’ve survived the attack that killed him. It seemed like he was just the sacrificial lamb like Darwin was in First Class, which feels racist to me, since both have powers that should make them relatively hard to kill. Yes, I realize ALL the future X-Men died, but Bishop died FIRST. #CISM


Stacey Dash has been hired by Fox News as contributor. Let that sink in for moment. Welp, good for them for getting another black person in their ranks. I can only imagine this is a side effect of the same sorcery that keeps her ageless.


Apparently, Hulu is in talks to resurrect Community. Good for them, in their bid to be considered relevant. Seriously, if you want movies, you do Netflix or Amazon streaming. If you want recent episodes of TV, you go to the network site or you use the free Hulu. I still don’t see any need for Hulu Plus, but if this helps to legitimize that platform, then more power to them. I still think that Community squandered season 5, and doesn’t really deserve a sixth season, but that’s just me.

Links I Loved

How Magneto Saved the Redskins – The D.C. Universe

X-Men: The Animated Series Helped Set the Template for Today’s Comic-Book Movies – Vulture

Masculinity vs. “Misogylinity”: What Asian Americans Can Learn from #UCSB Shooting – Reappropriate

10 Television Shows That Would Suck as LEGO Minifigures – UnderScoopFire!

Meet the Man Behind the WWE Championship Belts – Bleacher Report



If you’ve seen Stardust (I have!) or Boardwalk Empire (I haven’t!), then you’ve seen Charlie Cox. Well, consider yourself ahead of the curve, as it was announced this week that he’ll be playing Dardevil in Marvel’s upcoming Netflix series. I’m actually surprised that it hasn’t receive more press than it has. When Marvel casts a movie, it’s huge news, but I’m not sure if folks know what to make of these Netflix series at this stage in the game. I can’t remember Stardust, as I saw it 7 years ago, but I can say that I definitely see a resemblance to Matt Murdock. This has me excited for what’s coming up, and should cement Cox’s name in the minds of fanboys everywhere. So, for being the Next Big Thing from Marvel, Charlie Cox is having the West Week Ever.


3 thoughts on “West Week Ever – 5/30/14

  1. Trask is a regular dude in the comics. I know when Dinklage was first announced everyone thought he’d be Puck or MODOK.

    Well, you could say Bishop wasn’t the first to die, just the first to stay dead? I think pretty much the same thing happened to him as Darwin and the trauma was too much for the power to handle. Especially in Bishop’s case where he absorbs energy, they just kept feeding it into him til he popped. Why he wasn’t spewing it right back at them? *shrug*

    I think I have even more questions about the timeline/continuity of the X-movies now.

  2. I kinda thought he was a regular dude, but that was before my time. I didn’t jump on the comics until several years later, when his influence wasn’t really present.

    Yeah, thinking about it, Bishop’s overload death made sense, but I still say Darwin’s didn’t. His power was to evolve to avoid death, so why did the evolution simply stop?

    I think we all have those continuity questions, but it’s probably safe to assume X3 and the Wolverine movies never happened now. Not too sure about the first 2 X-Men, though.

  3. I don’t even know what the heck Shaw did to Darwin because his comic powers don’t have him projecting energy as far as I remember.

    I was thinking about the continuity while trying to fall asleep last night. If they changed the timeline at all, I think it stands to reason that the exact events of the first two movies probably didn’t happen which would give them more wiggle room if they ever went back to those characters. I’m fine with Origins not having happened but The Wolverine wasn’t that bad, but again…timeline alterations.

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