On the movie front, this week I watched The Ladykillers, from the Coen Brothers. If you’ve never seen it, it’s a 2004 remake of a 1955
Tag: Movies
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 5/13/16
On the movie front, I traveled back to 1988 and finally watched They Live. Yeah, I know it’s something of a cult classic, but I’d
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 5/6/16
I watched quite a few things this week, so let’s get to it! I’ve been in a stand-up comedy mood lately, and Comedy Central has
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 4/29/16
The only thing I really watched this week was the Comedy Central stand-up special, Amy Schumer Presents Rachel Feinstein: Only Whores Wear Purple. The title
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 4/22/16
I finally caught the comedic hit Trainwreck, and I thought it was…decent. Written by and starring Amy Schumer, Amy knows how to screw, but she
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 4/15/16
So, I did something kinda special this week, in that I attended a live taping of the Jeopardy Teen Tournament. Until I pass that online
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 4/8/16
First up, I watched Dead 7 last Friday night. If y’all remember, it’s the zombie western starring former boyband members. Written by Backstreet Boys’ Nick
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review – 4/1/16
Welcome back to a brand new installment of West Week Ever! I’ve got a confession to make, though: I’m tired. Between writing all the Spring
The Most Underrated Television Theme Songs: Enterprise
Yup, in wrapping up Spring Break Week here at WilliamBruceWest.com, I had to go controversial with my last post. You see, I’m something of a
Just Imagine Stan Lee Wrote the Worst Batman Story Ever Published
With all the talk about Batman v Superman over the past few days, it reminded me that it’s nowhere near the worst story told featuring