Song of the Moment: “Tiny Vessels”, by Death Cab for Cutie
Author: Will
Boobygate’s Effect On Dating Shows
James is going to hate me for taking this stance, but I’m STILL pissed at Janet Jackson! Yes, there are other parties to be angry
Well, it DID Look Like A Stargate…
You can take the kid out of sci-fi, but you can’t take the sci-fi out of the kid. As much as I try to leave
Where In The World Is Justin Timberlake?
I’m going to shoot myself for asking this, but Where’s Justin Timberlake? I mean, a few months ago, you couldn’t get even get in an
Why Did Carrie Have To Choose Big?
Before I go, I also have to comment on something: The Sex and the City finale. Yes, this is about 2 months overdue, but something
24 Is Social Commentary On How We Should Never Have A Black President
Did anybody see “24” last night?!! I can’t believe Jack killed Chappelle! Normally, we complain when TV shows threaten to do something big and reneg
Great Weekend Involving VA, The Punisher, and Kill Bill Vol 2
OK, let’s see if I still remember how this goes. As much as I hate to admit it, you all know how I LOVE being
No More Blogger Site: Announcing The Coming of
Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. This site’s starting to get that “Old Man” smell. A LOT has happened since our
Blog Hiatus – Please See Archives For Reruns
Since it’s midseason, I’m going to be changing the format around here. Look for these changes in the next few weeks. For now, enjoy what
Why Should I Cry For You?
Under the dog-star sail Over the reefs of moonshine Under the skies of fall North-north-west, the stones of Faroe Under the Arctic fire Over the