John Stevens & Cornell Idol

Let’s talk about John Stevens. Now, I have never been a big fan of his, and I definitely thought he was out of his league, but this whole thing has gone too far. I was so glad he was “put out of his misery” last night because I was beginning to fear for him. His grandparents were beginning to fear, too, when they read someone hoping he’d be “taken out” by an audience member. That’s just plain inappropriate!

American Idol is a farce, plain and simple. We get our kicks from it, but there’s no need to get so passionate. I’m beginning to equate it to professional sports; I never understood how someone could get so wrapped up in a team/game, where the result could lead to violence.

I’ve got to hand it to Simon. He told John, “You are only 16 years old, yet you have taken these bullets thrown at you like a man.” He was right on the money. Imagine what it must feel like, to have been voted to this position, and then have everyone turn their backs on you. Every week, fearing you’re next to go, knowing people expect you to go, and then seeing your friend voted off. Imagine what it must’ve been like to have been his elderly grandparents, once so proud, now fearful for the life of their pride and joy.

Plus, most of us can’t stand when the girl at the office is talking shit behind our backs. Imagine what a 16 YEAR OLD, who’s already the most insecure creature in nature, must feel when he learns the whole nation basically think he’s a hack. If that’s the case, who’s been voting for him all these weeks? Stand up and be accountable! If he had just up and commited suicide, I wonder who’d be to blame then? Would people even feel sorry, or would they just say, “Oh well”? “Cause it was certainly a possibility. He could have killed himself. Stranger things have happened. And it would’ve been Jillian Barberie’s fault, and Jay Leno’s fault, even Katie Couric’s fault. This got to the point where newscasters, who aren’t even supposed to takes sides, especially on trivial matters such as these, were against him. They can’t even take sides on the war, but they can add to a pasty teenager’s depression. Way to go, Katie! What, Al Roker too skinny for you to make fat jokes about anymore? You gotta turn to someone new?

John Stevens, you held your own like a man, and I have more respect for you than you can imagine. I couldn’t even deal when I bombed Cornell Idol, and that was worthless. Hell, I think the winner was asked to leave Cornell, so I guess she lost the title. Regardless, you took those barbs and jabs much better than I could have. I want to know your secret, but mainly I’d just like to know you.

Plus, it’s not like he’s out of the picture and people need to realize that. First of all, by virtue of even making it to this stage of the competition, he’s already a part of the live touring show once the contest ends. Plus, it’s not like you have to win the thing to get a recording deal. Hell, RJ Helton just released a CD a few weeks ago. Yup, Gay RJ from season 1. It’s not like it sold, but it’s still out there for anyone who wants it. John, someone out there wants you. That’s why Michael Buble and Josh Groban are stars. You have an audience, and they’re just waiting to hear more from ya. Now, don’t try singing anymore Nsync, especially when it’s a putrid Gloria Estefan song, but I know you’re talented. You just weren’t in the right environment.
