Unless you’re new to this site, then you already know of my love for all things Power Rangers. That’s why I had to post this story when it arrived in my inbox. When they’re not busy fighting off evil space aliens, the Power Rangers also wage a war against hunger.
Last night, the Power Rangers teamed up with the New York Common Pantry to distribute Thanksgiving turkeys and fixings to underserved fans and their families. This is a service that the New York Common Pantry performs annually, and this year the Power Rangers Super Megaforce showed up to lead the children in “Train Like A Ranger” exercises and to help pass out the turkeys.
The giving didn’t stop there, however – the Power Rangers also made a donation to the organization which will be used to prepare 6,172 Choice Pantry meals for families in need. The donation will also be used to provide case management services for hundreds of people.
Thanks to the Power Rangers and the New York Common Pantry, many families will be having a food-filled Thanksgiving. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s simply morphenomenal!
Red Ranger just kicked his foot straight into that poor girl’s chest cavity!