West YEAR Ever – 2012


A year that began pretty shitty turned out rather well. I started the year with a bad cold, which led to me being sick every 3 months throughout the year. Then, I lost my job in May. Once summer hit, things started to get better. I got a BETTER job, I attended the weddings of 2 great friends, and I got married. Yay! I spend a ton of time online, so I figured we’d talk about that a bit, with a twist: we’ll cover the wedding in pics and the online in words. DEEP!


Don’t worry, black folks. There was another black girl. She was late. Go figure…

I no longer feel the need to be Top Dog in the nerd game. I was discussing this with someone who has ambitious goals to take over the internet toyverse. It’s admirable, but I asked, “What then?” It’s like the supervillain who wants to rule the world. What does he do once he gets it? I used to want to be Nerd King. I wanted to be America’s Next Top Blerd. Try as I might, no one was looking to fill that position. Hell, at this point, I’d settle for “Top Blerd of Lower Montgomery County Between The Hours of 6 and 8 PM”. I mean, I’ve worked hard, but there are others who have worked harder and longer. Plus, what’s to be gained at the top? It just makes you a target for others “gunning for the title”. It can be lonely at the top, the middle, AND the bottom.


I got to marry HER. I already won. 

I’ve been doing this 10 years. Some years were more active than others, but I’ve come to realize that I just want to carve out my own niche, rather than unseat someone. I think this has been more pronounced since the recent changing of the guard over at Topless Robot. When the job was posted, a lot of us started wondering if we had the chops. I thought I could do it, but I simply didn’t have the readership. Hell, it’s just 3 parts linkblogging, 2 parts snark. Still, no one knows who I am. I’m not active on any boards, nor am I a regular commentor anywhere; I tend to keep to myself. Also, I said it then, and I’ll say it again: I don’t wish that job on my worst enemy. There’s NO WAY you’re going to “properly” replace Rob Bricken in the eyes of fans, nor should you really be expected to do so. Still, that person is going to have to prove himself, as Luke Y. Thompson is learning. No matter how hard he works, for now, he’s simply “Not Rob”. Just look at the comments on recent posts. Rob-era posts had comment threads into the hundreds, while most recent comment threads max out at about 14. Village Media can’t be too happy about this, but I don’t think LYT is to blame. TR was popular BECAUSE of Rob. It WAS Rob. THAT is what we should be striving toward: creating something that is OURS. No more of this “I want to rule the toy internetz” stuff. I mean, do we even understand the scope of that goal?


I talk to a lot of different people online, from those who used to run toy sites to those who currently run them. Do you realize how many “top dogs” on the toy scene aren’t even aware of each other? Everyone’s “winning” a race without even knowing who their competitors are. Isn’t that odd? Is anyone really leading or is it simply a matter of scope and perspective?

I’m not doing a What Would You Like To See More Of? post because I already know. I get it. You like Thrift Justice. The thing is, I’m kinda writing for me, and I’m inviting you along for the ride. There’s gonna be a lot of stuff coming up that you’re not gonna give a shit about, like when I looked back on lesser known TNBC shows. I can’t cater to a readership that I’m not even totally sure exists. Hell, I don’t know who all is reading this post. I don’t deserve to be top dog because I simply don’t know enough. Case in point: I still don’t get the reasoning behind website ads. I mean, sure, they can generate revenue for your site, but I’ve also heard too many stories of people getting $5 checks every three years. Why go through all that to make your site the equivalent of a NASCAR entry? Is it REALLY worth it? My site may look like shit to some, but I did that. I can’t blame Snorgtees for any of that. And how many people realize you’re supposed to clear your cookies for those Amazon Affiliate links to register?

Because there’s so much I don’t understand, I enjoy doing this as I also learn a lot from it. The internet is such a funny place, filled with fiefdoms and arbitrary measures of success. Page hit counts are whispered with the same gravitas as asking someone the size of their penis. We boast of having 10,000 followers, omitting the fact that we follow 9,000 (your follower/followee ratio is key). I dunno. I guess I’m just saying it’s hard to rule the world when you don’t even know how big it is. To me, my greatest challenge is getting people I KNOW to read my stuff, let alone strangers. Back to the follower thing, I have over 700, but I can count on about 25 of them to click any links I send out. And it’s FREE! I can’t imagine how it must feel to write and charge for a book. Anyway, that’s not “reach”. BUT it’s a small community that I cherish, and it should be nurtured. As I get older, it means more to me to foster those kinds of interactions than worrying that some Millenials aren’t sharing my post up on Digg.

I’ve already talked about future plans for the site, so I’m not gonna rehash that here. My main goal for 2013 is to build a sense of community. I’ve made a lot of friends online, and I’d like to do more of that. None of this “competition” stuff, as we’ve all got challengers of whom we aren’t even aware. And what are we trying to “win”? Anyway, if people want in, I welcome them. I’m just tired of pissing in the wind; ya just end up wet. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other.


Funny Update: Just as I wrapped up this post, I got an advertising inquiry from a home furnishing firm. Clearly, they haven’t read this site…


7 thoughts on “West YEAR Ever – 2012

  1. Great post. I really love the sense of self-understanding here. I think I went through this on my blog a few years back … at some point you realize that there’s no point trying to be “the best blogger”. No one gives a shit. No one remembers who you are. And it’s a lot of effin’ work to be the crappy blogger no one cares about. Who gives a crap about your Klout score? Do it because you like doing it and if it’s no longer fun, stop.

  2. Man you hit the head on so many points here.

    I always find it funny that people are so nervous to talk about their traffic. Particularly when it comes to podcasts. I’m pretty open about it. I don’t want to pretend to be any bigger than I am.

    For me getting more followers on Twitter is just some arbitrary goal. I don’t think I’m really getting anywhere with it. I have over 1,000 followers but I converse with …. MAYBE 50 of them?

    And I write what I want on Robot’s Pajamas. I could probably narrow my focus to get more traffic, but fuck it. It’s what keeps me entertained.

  3. This is a GREAT post. You and I have talked about a lot of this stuff offline, but it never ceases to captivate me. As we’ve discussed, I have goals with my site, but in the end if it only results in introducing me to a few new friends and strengthening the bond with old ones, I consider it time well spent. I’ve only been at it for just over a year now so I haven’t hit the inevitable burnout phase yet.

    I’m sure adding a second child to the family is going to pump the brakes on my blog output as well. It hasn’t even arrived yet and I’ve already dropped off the face of the podcast earth!

    Congrats on the wedding. Glad you are happy, you’re a great guy and you deserve it.

  4. @RLM – I’m pretty sure he’s just making sure the kid doesn’t bolt. He was all over the place that day, as you can hear in the background of the video!

    @Cody – Thanks, man! We definitely all have something to offer. I’m digging what you’re doing over at Crooked Ninja 🙂

    @Jenn – it’s funny you mention Klout, as I totally forgot that was a thing that exists! I’m not even lying. I used to check it all the time, and I was always about a 53, never moving. Eventually, I just kinda forgot about it. I keep my finger on Friendorfollow more these days, which is a more dangerous game…

    @RobotsPJs – glad you could relate. I don’t even know WHAT my hit count is. I use Google Analytics, but I never worked for NASA, so I don’t know what the Hell those reports are telling me. You know what my goal is? I just wanna be a destination site. In people’s RSS readers, where they’ll read regardless of whether or not I promoted a post. That’s the dream.

    @Howie -Thanks for the kind words! I love our offline talks, as this online thing has so many crazy facets to it. I’ve been thinking a lot about the central tenant of the show Collection Intervention: even though the way they handled the collectors was wrong, Elyse focused on the fact that you have to *curate* a collection. I want to do that in an online sense. Know what I have, know what I need, and know when something’s special. We’ve said before that everyone on here is selling something, and I’m trying to figure out how my “product” meshes with theirs, and vice versa. I waste WAY too many daylight hours thinking about this stuff 😛

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