My Mommy Doesn’t “Get” Children’s Programming

So, this conversation took place while Mommy and I were watching Spongebob today (don’t ask…)

Mommy: “What IS Spongebob? I never really understood that. What is the NEED for a Spongebob?”

About an hr later, when the Fantastic Four toy commercial comes on:

Me: “Ooh!!”

Mommy: “What is that?”

Me:” It’s the Thing, from the Fantastic Four!”

Mommy: “He looks terrible!”

Me: “He can’t help it. The radiation did it to him, when he was in space. He doesn’t want to look like that; he HATES how he looks.”

Mommy: “Well, that’s what he gets, then. He had no business messin’ in space anyway. I bet that’s one trip he’ll never forget!”
