So, I Guess Shannon Tweed’s NOT In It?

“I wanna stroke you like a super-villain’s cat!”

What a world in which we live where books need commercials!

Now, this is not a new phenomenon. I’ve seen it before, but now it’s gone to new heights (or depths, depending on how you look at it).

Getting dressed this morning, I saw this HOT commercial. I thought it was for a Skinemax movie or something. Which was odd because A) it was on Fox and B) it was 5:45 AM. It had a husband and wife in bed, going at it, interspersed with scenes of the wife brandishing a knife. What a great Skinemax movie this was gonna be!

But, it turned out to be for “Honeymoon”, the 2005 thriller from James Patterson. Yup, a contrived, convoluted 30-second commercial, for a novel about wives killing their husbands.

So, I don’t know what upsets me more: the fact that they teased me with the potential of soft-core pornography in the wee hours of the morning OR the fact that, in this day and age, you have to make a commercial to sell a book.
