New Site Design!

“‘Fra-gi-le’…it must be French!”

So, as you can see, there are some changes afoot. I’d like to thank Jenn for putting aside grad apps to work on my site. i swear, my hold over women is…nonexistent. It’s just a testament to what begging can get you on a cold winter’s night. Yeah, I begged…what of it?

So, we’ve got a fresh, new blog. And now you can leave comments. ‘Cause SO many of my posts deserve audience participation, and y’all seem afraid of the guestbook. Don’t worry, the guestbook is still an option, but let’s have us some comment action on the main board!

We also have a new color scheme. The old one was…how do you say? Gay? Yes, gay. I love me some baby blue, but after a yr of that motif, it was time for a change.

Speaking of a yr, our anniversary is coming up. I’ll bet you’re saying, ‘But we just had an anniversary!”. Well, that was the one yr anniversary of my blog, which originated in the old days as “The World According to a Russian Exchange Student.” This upcoming anniversary celebrates the yr since was christened and the blog was given a new home.

Since all these poseurs and imitators have arisen, I decided it was time to step it up a notch. I’m the OB: original blogger! I keeps it real! So, Tarek, how’s that livejournal shit working out for you now? What’s that? I guess you can’t respond seeing as how you haven’t posted in 4 days!!! I believe the e-beef is done, and I am the master Chef!

Enjoy the new site, y’all!

“Celebration, bitches! C’mere, Cholly Muphy!”
