I’ve got a great haul from the weekend to share with you, but I’m still writing that up. In the meantime, feast your eyes on
Tag: Power Rangers
Thrift Justice – The Case of the Three Jokers
So, last weekend the rain was too much of a nuisance for any of the local yard sales to take place, but I was
Thrift Justice: Ranger Danger
So, I had an experience last week that was cute yet troubling. While everything turned out OK in the end, I’ve still been thinking about
My Life with the Power Rangers – Reader Response
So, we don’t get a lot of audience participation here at Casa West. Before I moved over to WordPress, I had written about 1,025 posts
Comical Thoughts: Super Dinosaur
…Annnd it only took me seven days – seven days to break the vow that I made in my last post. I swore I was
5 Corners of Pop Culture That I Don’t Understand
Yeah, so I go around boasting that I know so much about pop culture, but even I have my blind spots. For example, I’m not
My History with the Power Rangers
Every now and then, over the past 18 years, there have been certain points where I felt I had reached an age/level of “cool” where
Origin: The Final Frontier
By this point, we’ve covered how I found comics, how I came to love comics, as well as the memories and experience they provided. Back
Power Rangers: Super Legends – AKA “I Saved Angel Grove, and All I Got Was This Lousy Game.”
I honestly only decided to write this at the behest of my TRU pal Mike “Special Forces” Johnson, but you’re all welcome to read along
Where Has Will Been Lately?
“She’s got her own thing; that’s why I love her.” Man, I haven’t written one of these things in a while. Honestly, I haven’t really