So, I’ve been neglecting this site a lot recently, due to both work obligations and also writing for I’ve had a desire to write
Tag: Comics
Comical Thoughts – Nick Fury
Not really a fan of the Sam L. Jackson Nick Fury anymore, Don’t get me wrong – when he first appeared, I thought it was
Comical Thoughts – New Avengers
Avengers. My, my, my Avengers. It’s amazing that I held on for so long, through so much, and now that we have the big relaunches,
Comical Thoughts – Charles Xavier
I started this on twitter today, but it has given me enough thoughts to want to continue it on here. Basically, I was saying that
Scarlet #1 – A Review?
This week marked the release of Scarlet #1, the new creator-owned Marvel/Icon comic from Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev. While the duo were well-known
Best of the West #1: Signed Amazing Spider-Man #583 Variant
Going through my posts, I realized that I never really spoke much about my time in comics. On top of that, I’m supposed to be
It’s Been A While But We’re Back With Style…
We’re coming up on the 7th anniversary of my entry into the world of blogging. Seven years ago, I was 2 months out of college,
DC Comic-Con: Well, There’s Always Next Year…
So, today marked the 1st (annual?) DC Comic-Con. However, in this case, “DC” meant “Northern Virginia”, and “Comic-Con” meant “church bazaar”. I really had high
Adventures West Coast #11: Marvel Zombies HC
Adventures West Coast #11: Marvel Zombies HC Oh, Marvel Zombies! The series with the punny title that just wouldn’t die. I’m not sure if it’s
Adventures West Coast #10: World Without A Superman TPB
Adventures West Coast #10: World Without A Superman TPB World Without A Superman is one of those books that had a time and a place.