(Last Night) I Didn’t Get To Sleep At All…
“I know it’s not my fault, I did my best God knows this heart of mine could use a rest But more and more I
“I know it’s not my fault, I did my best God knows this heart of mine could use a rest But more and more I
It’s been argued that, rather than “Batman” being a mask that Bruce Wayne wears, “Bruce Wayne” is actually a mask that Batman wears. “Bruce Wayne”
Well, it looks like Britney’s started a trend. Accordingly, I hereby proclaim 2004 as “The Year of the Redneck”. It seems that a redneck guy
You ever think you’re more important than you really are? I felt that way until recently. At Cornell, I was “Will West: A Cappella Star”.
Hehe. Bored? You must be if you’re reading this. Anyway, looking for something funny? Go to Google. Type “miserable failure”, and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”.
I swear that the internet is out to screw me. Why is everyone taking my domain names?!!! First, there was the willwest.com fiasco. That fuckin’
Well, I’m certainly happier than a pig in shit! Jason David Frank is coming back to PR. If you know me, you’ll know what that
Just remember what ol’ Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah,
Now, for personal inspiration. One thing I’ve always admired about myself is that I’m tenacious. I’m not a quitter and I don’t give up on
To this day, I still say that the meanest thing I’ve ever heard was on a “Message from the Power Rangers” public service announcement from