“Let us rock and let us roll!”
So, I saw 300 last weekend. What did I think? It was OK. Yeah, that’s pretty much it.
You see, I’m not the biggest Frank Miller fan. Nothing against him, but I’m just not there for all of his comic stuff. I never read Sin City, so that movie was just “meh” for me. I haven’t seen Robocop in years. So, from where I stand, the only comic work of Miller’s that I did like was Dark Knight Returns, and in my older age I’m beginning to see that it was the beginning of the death of modern day comics (another rant for another time).
In any case, I learned 5 important things from 300, the motion picture:
1) The whole “you need to support your country when it goes to war” propaganda is a LOT more powerful when the nation’s leader actually goes into said war, leading the charge, and sacrifices his own life.
2) The ugly guy eventually gets the girl. It doesn’t matter if you’re a deformed mutant. Pretty soon, someone powerful is going to need what you’ve got, be it skills, knowledge, or strategy. And there’s a hot, young virgin in it for ya. Hooray for uglies!
3) Elephants were originally GINORMOUS and used for war. Eventually, God realized that He may have overestimated things a bit. That’s when He created the ePhant Nano, which is the elephant that we know of today.
4) You know, I’m a smart kid, but I’m not big on history. I thought this was a whole “based on a true story” thing. Yup, until I saw the guy with the goathead with the harem. And even then, I thought, “Well, maybe there were people with goatheads back then.” Yeah, I’m not so smart anymore.
5) One should never go into battle against a 9 foot tall drag queen. It’s as true today as it was many centuries ago.