“There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” One of these days, I’m going
Tag: Social Media
Virgin Fest Part 2: Meeting Richard Branson
“You gotta have a ticket if you wanna ride the ride.” Man, why didn’t anyone tell me that Date My Mom still came on? The
Virgin Fest Part 1: Amy Winehouse and Cheap Trick
“Nah, I spent 2 years in the Cub Scouts & realized its potential to make me queer.” OK, so we’re working backwards here. Virgin Festival,
Four Year Blogiversary – A Look Back
“‘Cause you said forever, and ever. Who knew?” Ahh…a cute White girl, eating watermelon. Be still my Negro heart! Anyway, four years ago today, this
Fourth of July ‘Splosions!
“I’ve been to paradise, but I’ve never been to me.” First off, let me say that I’ll never understand Myspace politics. I shuffled my Top
Top Design, Style Network, MySpace, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and Soulmate iPod
“Tonight, my heart is smiling. And it is an eternal smile.” I really just want to post enough to push all of my neurotic posts
You Googled Me?!
“I got a li’l change in my pocket, going jing-a-ling-a-lang…” So, it has come to my attention that not everyone reading this site exactly knows
Screwed By A Comic Blogger
“Only my success matters!” Never put anything in writing! That’s what I’ve finally learned. I’ve always been paranoid, keeping every IM conversation and e-mail that
My Take On Marvel’s Civil War
“OOooooh! The Chase!” So, I know it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. The reason for that is inability. Say it with me kids: “inability”. You
Why Are You Running Away…On Your Blogs?
“Papa Spank!” So, I’m starting to feel like the Ted McGinley of blogs. I think I’ve written this before, but Ted McGinley is known as