“Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he’ll eat for life. Give an octopus nunchucks, and no-one’s
Tag: Social Media
End of Cyberbattical: Looking Ahead
“The penis is the navigator!” Welcome to the season premiere of williambrucewest.com. I know it’s been awhile, but Leon’s people came after me for that
So I’m Trying This Whole Twitter Thing…
“All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus.” So, Marcus tells me I’m a shitty blogger these days, as
Where Has Will Been Lately?
“She’s got her own thing; that’s why I love her.” Man, I haven’t written one of these things in a while. Honestly, I haven’t really
How’s Usher Gonna Get Off That Damn Mountain? And Other Reality TV Stuff…
“You want White Castle, need White Castle, long as you got me it won’t be no hassle.” – I’m usually not the biggest Weird Al
Nick & Nora’s Knight Rider Remake On SNL
“It’s just not the same when they don’t turn to dust” So, I saw Nick & Nora’s Infinite Playlist tonight and loved it. It’s always
Saved By The Bell Sick Day & Lil Wayne’s Virgin Fest Failure
“All of my friends have a ring on their finger, they have someone” It’s been awhile, and I don’t even know where to begin. I’m
Apple Bottom Kids & My Problems With Dawson McAllister
“Good job, Tila. So you can deep throat a pickle. Then again, you probably have 3 mouths, coming from the planet Orbitron or wherever…” Kinda
2007 Year In Review
“I just want a moustache, man!” So, last night, I found myself in the weirdest party environment. This dude got really drunk and then started
Dirty Pokemon, Black Snake Eyes, New Knight Rider, and Tribute To Ike Turner
“I thought you made love like an ugly woman. So present, so grateful.” Dear TNT, There are other shows in the world than Charmed and