So, I’m not just the zany guy with the blog – I like to TALK, too. A LOT. Thankfully, a few sites have allowed me
Tag: Social Media
Failure To Launch: My Stillborn Parody Account
So, I don’t think it’s any secret that I’m trying to find my niche lately. I think a lot of websites like to put on
LoEB Presents The State of the Site Address
It’s funny that this week’s topic for The League is a “state of the site” address. You see, about a month ago, I posted a
Thrift Justice – Operation: Time Dig Part 2
So, has everyone changed their underwear? Are you sure you’re ready to proceed? OK, so we left off with me posting some of the pics
My 2012 Baltimore Comic-Con
Normally I’m excited about a comic convention, but that wasn’t the case here. Between the fact that my love affair with comics has hit a
Laughonomics Part 4: Living Dolls & FYI
If you read yesterday’s post, then you probably think that everything is now sunshine and lollipops for The Bower Agency. Despite its current success, there
Laughonomics Part 1: Jack’s Bistro & Over Our Heads
I’ve always loved TV. Sure, you’re probably thinking, “Well, I love TV, too.” No, I LOVE TV. I was basically raised by it. It’s not
On Toy Reviews
Disclaimer: I don’t have a running list of the specific sites that receive product samples. So, this isn’t targeted at any specific site or reviewer.
You’re Gonna Love It In An #Instagram
Since this seems to be introspection week, I figured I’d check in and give a social media update. If you’re new here, every so often
Why Spider-Men Isn’t Such A Bad Idea
So, a few months ago, I wrote this article over on The Robot’s Pajamas. Go ahead and read it if you haven’t; I’ll wait. Don’t