So, if you read my Comments section, you’ll see that Shel responded to my last post. Apparently, she feels that Jesus would’ve liked the Mustang
Tag: Religion
It’s Funny ‘Cause Bo Bice Looks Like Jesus!
I think my favorite part of tonight’s American Idol finale was when they gave Jesus the car. Silly, producers! Don’t they know that he can
If Bo Loses Idol, Maybe He Can Be A Jesus Impersonator
Well, another season of American Idol comes to a close. Tonight sucked. It’s like neither of them knew which song to sing. None of the
Republicans & Fundamentalist Christians. Says It All…
Well, big week, big week… We’ve got a new pope and Ann Coulter’s on the cover of Time. Isn’t all this in Revelations or something?
Cup O’ Joe
I swear, Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada NEVER gives a boring interview! Here’s an excerpt of a recent statement he gave to Newsarama: NRAMA: Looking
Hell Is Nothing But Flavor-Aid & Drake Cakes…
Conversations At Work Coworker: “Making fun of deaf people…I’m SO going to Hell.” Me: “We’re ALL going to Hell. I’ll see ya down there.” Coworker:
Creed…Breaking Up?
What a day, what a day… Yes, Mr. Lohan, your daughter’s hot. But that doesn’t mean you can go around hitting people. It just ain’t