Well, another season of American Idol comes to a close. Tonight sucked. It’s like neither of them knew which song to sing. None of the
Tag: Religion
Republicans & Fundamentalist Christians. Says It All…
Well, big week, big week… We’ve got a new pope and Ann Coulter’s on the cover of Time. Isn’t all this in Revelations or something?
Cup O’ Joe
I swear, Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada NEVER gives a boring interview! Here’s an excerpt of a recent statement he gave to Newsarama: NRAMA: Looking
Hell Is Nothing But Flavor-Aid & Drake Cakes…
Conversations At Work Coworker: “Making fun of deaf people…I’m SO going to Hell.” Me: “We’re ALL going to Hell. I’ll see ya down there.” Coworker:
Creed…Breaking Up?
What a day, what a day… Yes, Mr. Lohan, your daughter’s hot. But that doesn’t mean you can go around hitting people. It just ain’t