If you’ve been with the site for some time, you’ll notice that I don’t do “personal” as much as I used to. When I first
Tag: Relationships
Origin: The Final Frontier
By this point, we’ve covered how I found comics, how I came to love comics, as well as the memories and experience they provided. Back
Live Free or Origin Hard
Comics as escapism – this is a concept that is always bandied about when people try to explain the notion of collecting & reading comics.
Origin Forever
OK, so up to this point, we’ve covered my first comic experience, as well as the summer where I fell in love with the medium.
Origin Zeo
So, when last we met, I recounted the tale of how I discovered my love for comics. Rather, it wasn’t love at that point, but
At Long Last – My Comic Origin!
I’ve been wanting to write lately, but really haven’t had much to write about. I’ve been to a LOT of comic cons and stores lately,
DC Comic-Con: Well, There’s Always Next Year…
So, today marked the 1st (annual?) DC Comic-Con. However, in this case, “DC” meant “Northern Virginia”, and “Comic-Con” meant “church bazaar”. I really had high
End of Cyberbattical: Looking Ahead
“The penis is the navigator!” Welcome to the season premiere of williambrucewest.com. I know it’s been awhile, but Leon’s people came after me for that
Where Has Will Been Lately?
“She’s got her own thing; that’s why I love her.” Man, I haven’t written one of these things in a while. Honestly, I haven’t really
So That *Wasn’t* A Pokeball On People’s Cars?
“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet” So, I’d like to do something different, and actually post about myself, rather than pop culture trivia