WARNING: The following is the longest, most drunken, most deplorable and shameful post I’ve ever written for this blog. This seriously bleeds into the “too
Tag: Race
Cirque Du Soleil: The Official Sponsor Of Nail Salons Everywhere
Why is it that everytime I go to get a manicure, there’s fucking Cirque Du Soleil playing on a TV in the background?!! I swear,
Oh, Wonkette!
A year ago, I was SO not a political person. But now, with Wonkette, and “Meet The Press” as my favorite show, I can’t get
Seriously, Y’all – What’s With All The Lifeguarding?
My open letter to all White people ages 14-25: Why is it that you ALL, at some point in your lives, have been lifeguards? I
Not Gonna Make Sense In 5 Years, Especially Out Of Context…
Wow, big words. Perhaps if you’d calm down, and realize the rampant racism in YOUR OWN life, rather than every little injustice that DOESN’T affect
Sounds A Lot Better Than “iMesh”…
I think BET, or VIBE, or The Source should create a file-sharing program and call it “Soulsearch”. Watch someone steal this idea from me in
Guess It’s Better Than Looking Like Aaron Spelling…
Am I the only one who noticed that The Wayans Bros, in “White Chicks”, look just like Tori Spelling?!!
They Were Hot on the Trail of the THABTO Gang…
So, yesterday, I’m on the bus, and the cutest little kids got on with their babysitter. There was a little Black boy, a little White
Mother’s Day Is Still On, Though
Happy Father’s Day, or as it’s more commonly known in the Black Community: “Sunday”…
Natural Tan (Why Am I So Angry Here?)
OK White ladies, this whole fake tanning thing has GOT to stop! A tan is supposed to make it appear that you’ve been in the