“Root Beer: The White man’s ‘Orange Drink’!” Alas, the 21 days are over. No more wedding party. I was up until 3 this morning, watching
Tag: Music
P!nk, Clive vs. Kelly Clarkson, Sean Kingston, Rosie O’Donnell, and Michael Bolton
“I’m not here for your entertainment, you don’t really wanna mess with me tonight…” I felt the need for a pre-weekend blog, but I’m not
Last Call: Brewed In The Attic, Lil Mama & Avril Lavigne, Where’s Christopher Cross?
“ I wake up, it’s a bad dream No one on my side I was fighting But I just feel too tired To be fighting
Top Design, Style Network, MySpace, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and Soulmate iPod
“Tonight, my heart is smiling. And it is an eternal smile.” I really just want to post enough to push all of my neurotic posts
Yale A Cappella Kids Got Their Asses KICKED!
“Thank you, Chuck Norris!” And THIS is why I don’t miss a cappella: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/01/10/BAGPQNG2MM1.DTL New Year’s nightmare for visiting Yale singers – Phillip Matier, Andrew
High School Musical Is Gonna Save Pop Music
“My wife’s vajeen hangs loose like sleeve of wizard.” Mark my words: In one year, pop will be back in full force. No, I don’t
I’d Die For You…
“This is America: Speak Spanish!” Recently, I was thinking about the power of song. More specifically, I was thinking about how there are things that
Gwen And Gavin At Breakfast & S Club 8
“I don’t fuck goats, Mr. Gibson. I make love to them.” So, I just got the new Gwen Stefani album, and while it’s not as
Finally! Britney Cooter Shot!
“The only difference between a dream and a nightmare is how big your balls are, bitch!” Well, it’s been 8 long years, but the day
Pants Off Dance Off Sucks. But It’s Got Stephanie Tanner.
“You did NOT just fuck me with a Last Call condom?!” So, the blogosphere is all up in arms over the news that Jodie Sweetin,