OK, let’s see if I still remember how this goes. As much as I hate to admit it, you all know how I LOVE being
Tag: Movies
Big Trouble In Little China
Just remember what ol’ Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah,
NYC Excursion
WOW, it’s been a LONG time! I forgot my password for the past weeks, plus I don’t exactly have regular access to the i-net these
Movietastic Weekend
It’s been a movie-ful weekend. Yesterday, I felt pretty retarded ’cause I watched Zoolander, Bio-Dome, & Son-in-Law. Today, it was a Mariah Carey movie marathon
Kissing Jessica Stein
If you wanna see a really cute movie, I HIGHLY recommend “Kissing Jessica Stein”. Not something I’d normally go for, but I guess the metrosexual
And I Thought Dead Gangsters Were The Only Things Buried In The Desert
In 1982, Atari put all of its financial weight into production of the E.T. video game. Now, keep in mind that this was during the
How To Deal With Mandy Moore
So, I saw the new Mandy Moore movie, “How to Deal”. You know, if she can maintain her charm and innocence, she’s got quite the