This week, DC Entertainment, announced a bold new organizational structure, deemed as a “bicoastal realignment”. The problem, however, is that there’s nothing bold about this
Tag: Movies
Origin Forever
OK, so up to this point, we’ve covered my first comic experience, as well as the summer where I fell in love with the medium.
At Long Last – My Comic Origin!
I’ve been wanting to write lately, but really haven’t had much to write about. I’ve been to a LOT of comic cons and stores lately,
Comical Thoughts – Nick Fury
Not really a fan of the Sam L. Jackson Nick Fury anymore, Don’t get me wrong – when he first appeared, I thought it was
All Up In Pandora’s Box
So, it may come as a surprise that I’m no fan of the convenience of technology. Sure, I love my twitter and my facebook, but
DC Comic-Con: Well, There’s Always Next Year…
So, today marked the 1st (annual?) DC Comic-Con. However, in this case, “DC” meant “Northern Virginia”, and “Comic-Con” meant “church bazaar”. I really had high
Fuck the MPAA – I’m Downloading My Movies From Now On!
I have a REAL BIG problem with the current state of DVDs at retail. I’ve been a fan of the medium for about 8 years,
Leon On Me: A Brief History of Black Cinema’s Charo
“Run a web search on the phrase “American Dream” sometime. You’ll get nine million hits, and 95% of them are for real estate. Three percent
Who Watches The Watchmen? I Do!
“Who Watches the Watchmen?” Apparently, I do, as well as thousands of other folks this weekend. What did I think of the movie? Well, in
Nick & Nora’s Knight Rider Remake On SNL
“It’s just not the same when they don’t turn to dust” So, I saw Nick & Nora’s Infinite Playlist tonight and loved it. It’s always