I think I owe you all an apology. I realize my blogs have been cryptic as of late, and I’m not trying to lead you
Tag: Marvel
Comic Wisdom Via Spider-Man 2
“Sometimes, to do right, we must give up the things we want most…even our dreams.” Uncle Ben, Spider-Man 2
Comic Run-Through: This Week’s Offerings
Let’s talk comics. A friend once commented I ought to have a a comics sections, seeing as how they’re so important to me. So, while
Comic Movies, Bank Breakup, and the MP3 Site Of Mine That I’ll Probably Forget About
I’m too lazy for a big post right now, but I figured it was time for an update. Quick Thoughts: – Bryan Singer’s directing “Superman”.
The Best Comic Book Movie Of All Time
So, saw Spider-Man 2 today. All I can say is WOW. I’ve always said that the first Spider-man was “The Best Comic Book Movie Of
Spider-Man: Remixed
In honor of Spidey 2, go here: http://www.newcomicreviews.com/temp/spidey/ Somebody took old newspaper Spidey strips and gave them new dialogue. It’s kinda offensive at times, but
Callboy Engagements, The Boss?, The Lemon-Lime Union, “Planned” Parenthood?, and Hater Gal Pals
Random Things That Have Been On My Mind Today: -So, it seems that ALL of Next Call are engaged! Seeing as how they’re only about
True Story: Swear To God – A Review
So, I’m slowly becoming what I fear most: a fanboy. I always wondered what would happen if I withdrew from society and found my sheer
Brad Meltzer, Identity Crisis, Bad Ideas, and Jim Mahfood
Yesterday, I met novelist Brad Meltzer. Wonderful guy! You’ll never meet a nicer guy in comics. Did I say comics? Well, yeah. While Meltzer is
Was That You, Lady Deathstrike?
So, yesterday in the store, this stunning girl came in. Not supermodel stunning, but incredibly captivating. She had amazing skin, the “cliche lower back tattoo”,