I swear, Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada NEVER gives a boring interview! Here’s an excerpt of a recent statement he gave to Newsarama: NRAMA: Looking
Tag: Marvel
Davis and the Hooters Girl
This episode: “Hair of the Dog…”: Two-Part Season Premiere Special Guest Star: Davis Introducing: Erica So, it all started Friday night. Right after H&M lowered
An Analysis Of Sex Techniques: DC vs. Marvel
I know I vowed I was taking a break, but Hell, Cher’s Farewell Tour has been going on for 3 yrs, so I think I
Joey Da Q Doesn’t Care For AOL Comics
In comic news, apparently Marvel & DC are trying to start their rivalry again. For the uninformed, comics fans usually stick to one company. The
‘Bout To Get More Personal Up In Here!
I think I owe you all an apology. I realize my blogs have been cryptic as of late, and I’m not trying to lead you
Comic Wisdom Via Spider-Man 2
“Sometimes, to do right, we must give up the things we want most…even our dreams.” Uncle Ben, Spider-Man 2
Comic Run-Through: This Week’s Offerings
Let’s talk comics. A friend once commented I ought to have a a comics sections, seeing as how they’re so important to me. So, while
Comic Movies, Bank Breakup, and the MP3 Site Of Mine That I’ll Probably Forget About
I’m too lazy for a big post right now, but I figured it was time for an update. Quick Thoughts: – Bryan Singer’s directing “Superman”.
The Best Comic Book Movie Of All Time
So, saw Spider-Man 2 today. All I can say is WOW. I’ve always said that the first Spider-man was “The Best Comic Book Movie Of
Spider-Man: Remixed
In honor of Spidey 2, go here: http://www.newcomicreviews.com/temp/spidey/ Somebody took old newspaper Spidey strips and gave them new dialogue. It’s kinda offensive at times, but