OK, confession time. Despite the teaser and the anticipation, there will be no follow-up to “Westman: Disassembled”. In my “Dan Rather moment”, I must say
Tag: H&M
Westman: Disassembled Teaser
Wow…this is post #250. It’s seems that celebration is in order. Unfortunately, I’m too tired. i’ve been working 14-hr days, and I haven’t the energy
Well, I Know How To Pronounce “Ryu”
I can be such an inappropriate dork, but sometimes I just can’t help it.. Today, a girl came to the register, and as I swiped
Davis and the Hooters Girl
This episode: “Hair of the Dog…”: Two-Part Season Premiere Special Guest Star: Davis Introducing: Erica So, it all started Friday night. Right after H&M lowered
H&M Bonding
Today was so weird at work because it suddenly turned into a sleepover gossip session. Not like that, but I mean the stockroom turned into
Magic Shave Turned Me Into Firemarshall Bill
Boy, today sure sucked… 1) I didn’t get that job. I didn’t know if I could really do what they were asking, but I was
Hell Is Nothing But Flavor-Aid & Drake Cakes…
Conversations At Work Coworker: “Making fun of deaf people…I’m SO going to Hell.” Me: “We’re ALL going to Hell. I’ll see ya down there.” Coworker:
The One Where My Family Pimps Me Out For A Table At The Cheesecake Factory
And the drama continues… Tonight, i went to The Cheesecake Factory with Mommy and the Aunts. Well, as I posted about a month ago, one
What An Epically Fucked Up Night In DuPont…
WARNING: The following is the longest, most drunken, most deplorable and shameful post I’ve ever written for this blog. This seriously bleeds into the “too
No More Pyramid Schemes!
So, here’s another”WTF? Moment” from my life: So, there’s this girl who works in the mall. Let’s call her “N”. So, N works in another