This episode: “Hair of the Dog…”: Two-Part Season Premiere Special Guest Star: Davis Introducing: Erica So, it all started Friday night. Right after H&M lowered
Tag: Comics
Free Comic Book Day Funnies
So, on this boring Sunday afternoon, I found myself dusting off the pile of stuff I got on Free Comic Day that I never got
Tired Of Being The Nice Guy
My profile on contains the following quote by Harvey Pekar: “When I was younger, I thought about women constantly. I was always running around
Magic Shave Turned Me Into Firemarshall Bill
Boy, today sure sucked… 1) I didn’t get that job. I didn’t know if I could really do what they were asking, but I was
An Analysis Of Sex Techniques: DC vs. Marvel
I know I vowed I was taking a break, but Hell, Cher’s Farewell Tour has been going on for 3 yrs, so I think I
Joey Da Q Doesn’t Care For AOL Comics
In comic news, apparently Marvel & DC are trying to start their rivalry again. For the uninformed, comics fans usually stick to one company. The
‘Bout To Get More Personal Up In Here!
I think I owe you all an apology. I realize my blogs have been cryptic as of late, and I’m not trying to lead you
Comic Wisdom Via Spider-Man 2
“Sometimes, to do right, we must give up the things we want most…even our dreams.” Uncle Ben, Spider-Man 2
Comic Run-Through: This Week’s Offerings
Let’s talk comics. A friend once commented I ought to have a a comics sections, seeing as how they’re so important to me. So, while
Batman Begins Trailer
Batfans, I give you the future. That’s right, bitches… the trailer is up!