I think I owe you all an apology. I realize my blogs have been cryptic as of late, and I’m not trying to lead you
Tag: Comics
Comic Wisdom Via Spider-Man 2
“Sometimes, to do right, we must give up the things we want most…even our dreams.” Uncle Ben, Spider-Man 2
Comic Run-Through: This Week’s Offerings
Let’s talk comics. A friend once commented I ought to have a a comics sections, seeing as how they’re so important to me. So, while
Batman Begins Trailer
Batfans, I give you the future. That’s right, bitches… the trailer is up! http://batmanbegins.warnerbros.com/
Movie/Song/Book of the Moment
Movie of the Moment: Chasing Amy Song of the Moment: Blame It On The Weatherman, by B*Witched Book of the Moment: Blankets, by Craig Thompson
Comic Movies, Bank Breakup, and the MP3 Site Of Mine That I’ll Probably Forget About
I’m too lazy for a big post right now, but I figured it was time for an update. Quick Thoughts: – Bryan Singer’s directing “Superman”.
Marvel vs Disney
I’m beginning to think Marvel Enterprises LOVES the courtroom. They’re involved in so much litigation, I’m surprised they haven’t tried to make a comic/movie franchise
The Best Comic Book Movie Of All Time
So, saw Spider-Man 2 today. All I can say is WOW. I’ve always said that the first Spider-man was “The Best Comic Book Movie Of
Spider-Man: Remixed
In honor of Spidey 2, go here: http://www.newcomicreviews.com/temp/spidey/ Somebody took old newspaper Spidey strips and gave them new dialogue. It’s kinda offensive at times, but
True Story: Swear To God – A Review
So, I’m slowly becoming what I fear most: a fanboy. I always wondered what would happen if I withdrew from society and found my sheer