“Papa Spank!” So, I’m starting to feel like the Ted McGinley of blogs. I think I’ve written this before, but Ted McGinley is known as
Tag: Comics
Farewell, Justice League
“Don’t you have a tall building to go leap?” Just watched the series finale of “Justice League”. Even though the thing came out in Canada
V For Cookie
“It’s not called ‘gymNICEtics’!” If you’ve seen “V for Vendetta” (and you SHOULD have by now!), then you will most likely get a kick out
V For Vendetta: The Comic Book Movie As “Art”
“Are you like a crazy person or something?” So, last night I saw “V for Vendetta” and I must say that I wanted to cry.
From Batman To Money Shots: How I Ruined My Comic Retailer’s Night
“I’ma do my thing, while you’re playin’ with your…” So, where exactly does one learn porn store etiquette? Allow me to clarify. Get ready for
RIP Richard Pryor
“…Dead Honky!” It’s a sad weekend in the world of comedy, for Richard Pryor has died. Yeah, I could go on and on about how
Ha! Beavers!
“Damn Internet. They don’t care whose lives they ruin.” I HAD to post this link Lip sent me: http://www.ibiblio.org/Dave/Dr-Fun/df200005/df20000517.jpg
My Transformer Name Would Be “Windbreaker”
“You’ve got the touch!” So, if I were a Transformer, I think my name would be “Windbreaker”. Not because I’m especially flatulent or anything. It’s
Betty vs Veronica: For All The Marbles
“No More Mutants…” So, lately I’ve been pondering a question which has plagued mankind for decades: Betty or Veronica? There are so many things to