Watch this for more than a minute, and I SWEAR you’ll lose your mind!
Category: Uncategorized
“What’s A ‘Lezzie’?”
Parent 1: “What did you call her? What’s a ‘lezzie’?” Parent 2: “It means your daughter likes vagina” Man, do I love Nip/Tuck!
Gonna Make A Go At The Music Industry
Yeah….jobs really suck. I think I’m gonna try this music thing. Might not work out, but I’ll always regret it if I don’t. In a
Of Course You’re Cold. You’re Wearing Flip-Flops!
Ok, White kids….explain something to me. Why is it that you realize it’s cold enough for a sweatshirt, but you still wear flip-flops?!!! Or the
10 Years of Power Rangers
10 years ago today, August 28, 1993, “Day of the Dumpster” first aired on American television. Little did we realize that it would spawn the
MTV Seeking Writer…For A REALITY Show
OK, I simply HAD to post this. Below is a job description found on MTV’s career site. Notice how it’s for a writer…for a reality
Ithaca A Bit Longer
So, it looks like I’ve renegotiated my contract, and will be in Ithaca a bit longer than I previously expected. Though nothing’s written in stone,
I’d Also Like My Own Alfred
I’d love more than anything to pull a “Bruce Wayne” right about now. Just drop everything, and travel the world. I’d learn from the best
Hey, Paisanos!
Hey, Paisanos! It’s the Super Mario Brothers Super Show! We’re the Mario Brothers And plumbing’s our game We’re not the the others Who get all