Song of the Moment: YOU & I BOTH words & music by jason mraz Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen
Author: Will
‘Bout To Get More Personal Up In Here!
I think I owe you all an apology. I realize my blogs have been cryptic as of late, and I’m not trying to lead you
Chillin’ Wit Friends
So, I saw “Napoleon Dynamite” with a friend today. Hilarious movie, but definitely not for everyone. It’s absurd. There’s no real sense to it, but
I Know You’re Russian ‘Cause You LOOK Like A Russian
My favorite part of my job at the moment is speaking to all of my Russian customers. Lately, I’ve been trying to get back into
Comic Wisdom Via Spider-Man 2
“Sometimes, to do right, we must give up the things we want most…even our dreams.” Uncle Ben, Spider-Man 2
Music Of The Moment: Saliva & Depeche Mode
Songs of the Moment: Rest In Pieces – Saliva Somebody – Depeche Mode Two VERY different ends of the spectrum, I know…
Oh, Wonkette!
A year ago, I was SO not a political person. But now, with Wonkette, and “Meet The Press” as my favorite show, I can’t get
Thanks…I Think?
“You just don’t get it! You’d get the hottest guys if you were gay!” -Natalie Thanks, sweetie. Thanks a fuckin’ bunch 🙁
Comic Run-Through: This Week’s Offerings
Let’s talk comics. A friend once commented I ought to have a a comics sections, seeing as how they’re so important to me. So, while
Bill Clinton: Always Entertaining
“I am a War President! I sit in the Oval Office, making important decisions, all the time with WAR ON MY MIND!” -who do you