The One About The Boybands: Guesting on The Geek Out! Podcast


Did you know that this week marks the one year anniversary of Remember That Show?, the podcast I co-host with my pal Adam? Well, I sure didn’t until Adam reminded me! And what better way to celebrate than for the 2 of us to get together, and record an episode of…a completely different podcast? You see, Adam is the Gordon Ramsay of podcasts (No, he’s not a celebrity chef, but he’s got so many shows that all orbit the same general themes that it’s hard to keep up!), and he hosts another show over on the Geekster Network (formerly known as The Retro Network), called Geek Out! The beauty of this particular series is that Adam has discussions with his friends about the things that excite them, yet they never get a chance to discuss. Sure, folks know Chad Young loves Ghostbusters, but did they know about his love of fast food collectors cups? Well, they do now, following his appearance on Geek Out! So, I was more than happy to oblige when I got the invite from Adam, because I knew exactly what I wanted to discuss: boybands.

If you know me, you probably know about the college a cappella stuff, or my love of pop, but do you know about my love of the synthesis of the two? Unlike a lot of my peers, I loathed New Kids on the Block. I simply didn’t listen to pop then, so that era blew right by me. And when I later heard their stuff, I was NOT impressed. See, they came out when I was in 3rd grade, and that was prime “Girls are yucky, and so is everything they love” time, so NKOTB fell right into that. I never even gave them a chance. I did have a crush on Paula Abdul, which led to one of my earliest brushes with racism, when my albino friend Erik insisted that Paula was White, and that I couldn’t like her, because his dad said “it’s not right for White people to like Black people”, but that’s probably a story for another time… And even with Paula, I only knew her via Tiger Beat covers at the grocery store, and that one music video with that ghetto cartoon cat. So, I was more than fine when the sun set on Jordan, Jonathan, Joey, Donnie, and Danny. That all changed, however, when the Backstreet Boys came into my life. There they were, a group of 5 guys singing in harmony, seemingly put together by Captain Planet villain Hoggish Greedly himself! Little did I know where this would lead…

Anyway, Adam and I get into all of this and more, resulting in a wonderful conversation. I totally forgot that this was a Video Podcast, so I neither dressed for the part, nor did I really have visual aids. In any case, that’s right here:

Otherwise, I think it works just as well as an audio podcast, which can be found on all major podcast platforms!

