Monday Musings – Avengers And The Right To Assemble


Having read about 40 issues of Avengers over the weekend, something struck me: “Avengers Assemble!” is a HORRIBLE battle cry. It’s the kind of thing that probably sounded really clever back in the 60s, but it just lacks a certain…bite that’s needed when charging into battle. Comics seem to LOVE alliteration, and this is no exception. It’s odd because a lot of other things from the era, such as “It’s Clobberin’ Time!” and “Flame On!” still work. It’s supposed to trigger the same response as “It’s Morphin’ Time!” or “Shift Into Turbo!” If comics were TV shows, it’s the “shit hits the fan” moment, where the theme song suddenly kicks in and things are taken to the next level.

The main problem with the phrase is a logistical one: most of the Avengers are already assembled when the battle cry goes out. Sure, it essentially means, “Let’s fight with a united front!”, but on the surface, it really just means “get together!” Which is dumb, because they’re already together. Imagine if it were a call that went out to Avengers across the globe (and it is used in the fashion from time to time). That works, because it’s basically calling members to come in and gather at a particular location. When all of the Avengers are in the same room, however, and already fighting, it just sounds inappropriate. To make matters worse, it’s often said IN THE MIDDLE OF BATTLE. Again, maybe it’s meant to signal a turn of the tide, as the team regroups, but it just falls flat.

I have to admit that the majority of my Avengers reading was comprised of the work of Brian Michael Bendis. So, it could just be that he never figured out how to use the phrase properly. There are moments where the characters are pumped and pissed, ready to fight. One of them, like Iron Man, would demand, “Say it!” to Captain America, trying to sound badass. He’s ready to fight and he wants the signal! And what is that signal? “Avengers Assemble!” It’s sad because there were a lot of scenes where a cooler catchphrase would’ve been awesome, but “Avengers Assemble!” just didn’t do the job.


4 thoughts on “Monday Musings – Avengers And The Right To Assemble

  1. Oddly enough, it wasn’t trades. I had about 15 issues each of Avengers and New Avengers from pre-Marvel Now, as well as the first 10 issues of Avengers Assemble. If I was missing any issues, I filled in the holes with the Marvel Unlimited app (which is awesome, btw!). I was powering through them so I could chuck then, but I kept the digital codes so I’d have something until I get the trades.

  2. I always enjoy when they regroup a SECOND time, then yell, “Avengers Assemble… Again!” This has happened numerous times, to my recollection, generally during the era of shiny foil covers and Avengers teammates with that weird, Wolverine-like hairstyle.

  3. Bendis has no clue how to use it properly. Read Busiek/Perez stuff from mid-90’s to get some great battle cry moments, as well as JLA/Avengers.

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