Been thinking about Downton Abbey again lately. It’s funny how you can watch the first season, and have no inclination that Tom would ever become an important character. Plus, I hate Matthew now that I know all the contract negotiation bullshit. They say season 4 will take place 6 months later so we don’t even deal with the aftermath of that final scene, but I really don’t know where the show goes now…
I can’t decide if I like Workaholics. I’m sure I’d love it more were I 10 years young and a pothead, but I do enjoy it. That said, it’s not destination television for me. That’s how I feel about most shows on Comedy Central, like Inside Amy Schumer. I’ll watch them when they’re on, but I ain’t setting the DVR. Plus, there’s no room, ’cause of those 40 episodes of Burn Notice…Anyway, the only one I can really stand is Ders. I hate looking at Blake, and Adam has a face that’s just begging to be punched.
Here’s an update on Operation Trade-Up, as I now have all of Bendis’s first series of New Avengers in hardcover form. I know he has his detractors, but I loved that run. I’ve just started tracking down the second run, as well as his “adjectiveless” Avengers, but all of this will get rid of another longbox.
Sponsor Update
I tried to ignore them, but the sponsor’s been demanding some exposure, so here’s some new stuff over at Will’s World of Wonder:
We’ve restocked and we’re back! Hop off that new wave, and deal with that rage by picking up a little something for yourself!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Deluxe Megazord (2010 Reversion)
EVERYONE who’s even glimpsed Power Rangers in passing knows what this is – the original Megazord used by the Rangers.
Groovie Ghoulies Saturday Morning Collection DVD Set
Calling all monster fans! Here’s the rare, 3-disc set of Groovie Ghoulies. The set is used, but the discs are in excellent shape.
Fisher Price Construx Building Toys – Nearly 300 Piece Lot
This collection is comprised of nearly 300 (281, to be exact) pieces of Construx building toys from Fisher Price. For those who are into building toys, you’ll remember that Construx were VERY popular in the late 80s-early 90s, as they allowed kids to build more complex creations than LEGO at the time. All of these pieces are in great shape, as I weeded out anything that may have been broken.
G.I. Joe Cobra Trooper (Dollar General Exclusive)
You guys know how hard it is to find this line. Why waste gas and time when you can just buy him from me for a great price?
Batman Unlimited Dark Knight Returns Batman
If you’re a Bat fan, you’ve GOT to have this figure! Made using parts from the Masters of the Universe Classics line, we finally have a figure of Batman in his iconic form from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns.
Batman & Robin Batcave Playset
This is a Kenner Batman Batcave from the late 90s. Based on the stickers, it was released with that dreadful movie with Arnold as Mr; Freeze. Anyway, they re-released this several times, as it is scaled to work with older movie figures and the recent Justice League figures.
DC Superheroes Batman & Superman Set
This set features one of the first Four Horseman-sculpted Batman figures, and served as the precursor to the DCSH and DCUC lines. It also includes one of the first Mattel Superman figures, which was one of the first Mattel DC figures with elbow articulation. Batman has brass knuckle weapon hidden on belt buckle.
DC Superheroes S3 Sculpt Batman
One of the rarest Mattel Batman figures, and arguably one of the best, this figure is used but in excellent shape!
This Week’s Posts
Monday Musings: Underestimating Batman’s Sheer Brutality
Reboot That Bitch: The Fall Guy
Thrift Justice: YSE – Back To School
Also, I was on the No Topic Required Podcast LAST NIGHT, and it’s already up. I love living in the future! Listen to it here.
As always, be sure to check out The Friday Round Up over on The Robot’s Pajamas. Vincent really hit it out of the park with his finds, and the articles he linked.
I’m not even trying to pretend. NO ONE had a week bigger than Charles Ramsey.
This man is being lauded as a “hero” because he aided in the rescue of a few young women who had been held captive for the past ten years. He’s just an average Joe, who doesn’t speak like a college professor, and has a very matter-of-fact delivery. So, of course the memes started up, like “We used to eat ribs, and listen to salsa music!” Through it all, he hasn’t changed who he is. He has rejected the label of “hero”, as he says he did what any human being should’ve done. He has rejected any mention of a reward, and has recommended any reward money be given to the victims. Because America loves to tear down her heroes, people started digging into his background, and found charges of domestic abuse. Despite what he had just done for these thankful women, people didn’t want to let his past go. Well, this is truly a story of redemption, and he has even said that his own domestic situation made him a new man. I think that new man appeared this week when he made that 911 call. In the words of the Backstreet Boys, “I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, or what you did…” For this, and for his actions, Charles Ramsey had the West Week Ever.
I was wondering when the Charles Ramesy backlash would start. If he really has changed or whatever then he should be praised. He certainly comes off as a stand up dude now.
Looks like Operation Trade-Up is a success so far *thumbs up*
Ramsey made me think about what would happen if any of those of us who are twitter addicts ever made the news. “He saved those kids from the fire & then went back for the kittens, but there is a dark side to this story… a hidden past in which 5 tweets were sent, mercilessly commenting on the size of Kristen Chenowith’s forehead!”
You forgot to bold and italicize those shots fired in your sponsor update. If no one else caught it, I sure did! 😉