Next Time On Origin of a Fanboy

So, I’ve been neglecting this site a lot recently, due to both work obligations and also writing for I’ve had a desire to write something comic-centric for the past few weeks, especially since it’s been a while since the last Adventures West Coast post. As I started thinking about the current state of comics, it led me to look back over my own history as a fan. How did I get here? Why do I even read them anymore? The more I thought about it, certain memories started to surface. I know that there is a communal aspect to fandom, and while I have a lot of friends who are into comics, I realize that I don’t know how many of them discovered the medium. With that in mind, I figured those same people could probably say the same about me. So, that’s what this week is going to be about: a 5-part saga, with daily installments detailing how I discovered comics, as well as why I have stayed interested over the past 18 years. The story has its highs and lows, but it’s a story that I am glad to tell. I haven’t written anything this personal in quite some time, and it’s definitely a labor of love. So, with that said, I really hope you’ll follow along, and maybe even share your own stories in the comments. Look for the first part tomorrow, after 6 PM!


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